When Robert, Peter and I got together to discuss this little rag, we were all responding to an unfulfilled need for non-dogmatic discussion of issues we're all interested in. That is: Paranormal phenomena, UFOs, fortean studies, the occult, and belief systems. To varying degrees, we feel that there is a common thread running through these areas, a tenuous cloth which has been largely ignored by various periodicals and groups which concern themselves with these subjects. Some of the titles we "threw up " for discussion will give an idea of our thinking:
A few of the phrases on the list should convey our sense of humor. Anyone who wishes to deal seriously with the weird (and I do mean in a non-arm chair way) would do well to have or develop the ability to laugh about it all when the going gets too damn weird. Laughter seems the best "banisher" to keep the way-out-worlders at bay. Another sanity-saving technique is that old standby--(healthy) skepticism. By this we do not mean a pathological need to reject everything that doesn't fit into your philosophy...only to keep an open mind in the broadest sense.
My personal problem (or blessing) is a complete lack of filtering apparatus when receiving information. Unfortunately, this is coupled with deficient retention skills, which necessitates a tape recorder at all interviews. This is most pronounced in conversation. A person could inform me that, secretly they were the Prince of the Pleiades, and at that moment, I would accept it as a perfectly normal to say. After walking away/ driving home/ etc., the "what the hell ?" reaction takes over, but the initial impression remains. This leads to a wonderful way of jumping between the believe/don't believe that excites all of us (the editors).
Based on that, here is a guiding principle (so called) that will steer the editorial policy of The Excluded Middle: Accept and/or reject. Argue until the Rapture carries us all away, but always be prepared to steep in other points of view for awhile. Believe in both or all, but never reject anything out of hand...UNLESS IT REALLY ANNOYS YOU!
Still wondering what "excluded middle" means? Consider the language of computers--binary--meaning on or off. Real humans must learn to reject the dichotomous, Aristotelian thought of the last 2000 years as apocryphal, and reconsider it as the only way of reaching solutions. The political posturing prevalent in this country illustrates this only too well. We don't have to be milquetoasts just because we listen past our personal shells. It's a razor's edge to walk, but it's all too easy and unprofitable to cling to old paradigms. The Excluded Middle bridges the on/off yes/no believe/don't believe chasm. Peter, Robert, and I are trying to build and walk that bridge. Join us.
© 1993 - 2005 Gregory Bishop